Class 2

Welcome to Class 2


'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it'~ Proverbs 22:6


CLASS 2 P.E. will take place every Monday and Thursday



Dear Parents / Carers,


Somehow we have arrived at our last term of this school year!  As ever, we have an incredibly busy and fun-filled half term ahead of us.  Our Year 1 children will be getting ready for their Phonics Screening check and our super grown-up Year 2 children will be preparing for Key Stage 2!  We also have World Art Day, Earth Day, school photos and hopefully a visit from some weird and wonderful creatures to look forward to! 


In English we will be learning all about The Great Fire of London to complement our History unit.  The children will be composing Haiku poems, performing rhyming poems, writing information texts and, of couse, creating diary entries inspired by Samuel Pepys.


In Maths Our Year 1 children will be  learning the early principles of multiplication and division by learning all about grouping and sharing.  The will then be moving on to their topic about position and direction.  Our Year 2 children will be completing their until on multiplication and division, focusing on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and how these can be used to solve division sentences.  They will then be moving onto their length, mass and capacity unit.


In Science we will be using our five senses to identify signs of Spring and looking out for some common wild plants that grown in this season.  We will also be learning about the body parts these sensees are associated with and any other body parts we know.  We will meet MERG the alien to learn about what makes something a living thing before learning about some weird and wonderful animals.


In R.E. the children will be taught by Mrs Lee.  They will be learning about the festival of Pentecost, sacrament and reconciliation and the importance of working together to build a School family.


In P.E. Our balls skills focus this half term is Kwik Cricket.  Through this game, children will be learning to throw underarm and overarm, catch and strike a ball using a bat.  They will then be using their knowledge of The Great Fire of London to compose a dance piece that focus on moving to music with coordination and control.


In History the children will be learning all about The Great Fire of London.  This is always a firm favourite for children and I already know that our class of Historians are going to LOVE it.  The children will be comparing London with and beyond living memory, learning about life in the 17th Century and exploring the events leading up to and following The Great Fire. 


In Computing the children will be completing a unit on Pictograms which will complement our Science topic.  We will then begin our first unit of the year on Coding, learning how to write code that makes a programe of their design work.


In Music the children will be taught by Miss Seed.  They will be learning about dynmaics, timbre, tempo and motifs.


In D.T. the children will be taught by Miss Seed.  They will be designing, making and evaluating puppets for our Early Years unit.


Homework Please follow the link below to see all information about this half-term's homework.


The Class 2 Team

Miss Halstead – Class Teacher

Miss Thornber – Trainee Teacher, supporting English, Phonics, Guided Reading and Maths

Miss Seed – Teaching Music (Monday) and D.T. (Thursday)

Mrs Lee - Teaching R.E. (Tuesday)


Please do not hesitate to approach me if you have any questions at all at our classroom door, by calling the school office on 01254812543 or by emailing  


God bless,


Miss Halstead